Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 99 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Publisher: New Gracanica Monastery
Retail Price: $ 12.00
A Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality, Volume II
“‘I believe’—this is the key to understanding the Creed: belief, faith, vera. Bishop Nikolai, with his keen spiritual insight, was able to perceive this; and this is why his meditations on the Creed, The Faith of the Chosen People, are so precious. They elicit fervent faith in the hearts of believers. They pour pure faith into the thirsty souls of believers. They illuminate the seeking minds of believers with the radiant rays of true faith. This is no cold, didactic exposition of stark theological realities. This is a heart-warming and moving story about a father’s love for his children, about God’s love for mankind, a love which surpasses all understanding.” -From the Forward